Christian Greeting Cards - Friendship Hearts - 12 Boxed Cards
Friendship Hearts -12 Cards

Friendship Hearts -12 Cards

Product Attributes
Card Size: 4.5" x 6.5"
Card Count: 4ea of 3 designs = 12
Box Quality: Extra Value
Envelopes: 12 white woodfree
Scripture: KJV Scripture

Qty.Price Ea.Sale Price Ea.
12 +$4.99$3.25

Product Description

Card #1. Message on front: Friends Forever

Message inside: I'm so thankful God knew to put us together! Blessings to You, My Friend! Scripture: Ruth 1:16

2. Message on front: Extraordinary...

Message inside: That's the only way to describe a friend like you! thinking of you with love today! Scripture: Matthew 12:34

3. Message on front: Heart to heart...

Message inside: ...that's where you'll always be... just a loving thought and prayer away. God Bless You Today! Scripture: 1 John 4:7

UPC: 6 92403 20985 4, SKU: 20985-0-S,

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