Special-Self-Help Books
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Forever in Love with Jesus, by Dee Brestin & Kathy Troccoli, $14.99, 0849918251.
Plant a Geranium in your Cranium, by Barbara Johnson, $14.99, 084993785x.
Slaying the Giants in your Life, by David Jeremian, $13.99, 0849943779.
Laughter is the Spice of life, by Women of Raith Authors, $12.99, 0849944724.
Launching Your Kids For Life, by Bob & Cheryl Reccord, $14.99, 0849945496.
The Zippered Heart, by Marilyn Meberg, $14.99, 0849937027.
Uprising, A Revolution of the Soul, by Erwin Raphael McManus, $19.99, 0785264310.
Plant a Geranium in your Cranium, by Barbara Johnson, $14.99, 084993785x.
Slaying the Giants in your Life, by David Jeremian, $13.99, 0849943779.
Laughter is the Spice of life, by Women of Raith Authors, $12.99, 0849944724.
Launching Your Kids For Life, by Bob & Cheryl Reccord, $14.99, 0849945496.
The Zippered Heart, by Marilyn Meberg, $14.99, 0849937027.
Uprising, A Revolution of the Soul, by Erwin Raphael McManus, $19.99, 0785264310.